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tutorial home Tutorial home page
General Introduction of features common to all parts of the tutorials, including user feedback function, documentation, the data model, and help function.
General Overview of the main common functions and the different menus.
Starting Getting started with the URR.
Help Description of the URR help function.
Data Model Introduction to the data model of the URR.
Overview Overview of the URR data model.
Relations Description of the seven core relations of the URR.
Links The link concept of the URR.
Other Relations Description of auxiliary relations of the URR.
Semantics Controlled vocabularies of the URR.
Documentation Overview of available URR documentation.
Overview Overview of URR documentation.
Technical Documents Introduction of technical reports and manuals.
Tutorials Concise summary of the tutorials.
Publications List of URR publications in journals.
Feedback Options for feedback on the URR as a whole.
Overview Overview of feedback and rating options.
Ouestionnaire The URR Questionnaire.
Commenting Commenting on individual entries.
User Rating Introduction to a future user rating system.
View Tutorials on viewing and searching the URR and generating of reports
Introduction Overview of the View menu. Note that the view functions are rather similar for all URR relations.
Main Forms Detailed explanation of the view menu functions for the core relations.
User Type Detailed explanation of the view menu functions for user types.
Applications Brief explanation of the view functions for applications.
Requirements Brief explanation of the view functions for requirements.
Research Needs Brief explanation of the view functions for research needs.
Technology Needs Brief explanation of the view functions for technology needs.
Infrastructure Needs Brief explanation of the view functions for infrastructure needs.
Capacity Building Needs Brief explanation of the view functions for capacity building needs.
Links Brief explanation of the view functions for entries in the Links form.
Lexicon Brief explanation of the view functions for entries in the lexicon form.
Search Description of the use of the search function for viewing URR entries.
Publish Tutorials on publishing new entries and editing existing ones.
Introduction Overview of the Publish menu.
General Description of the functions common to all sub-menus of Publish.
Comments Adding comments to existing entries.
References Adding references to related documents to existing entries.
Edit-Functions Overview of the edit functions available for all forms.
NEW Publishing a new entry.
EDIT Editing an existing entry.
COPY Copying an existing entry to publish a similar new entry.
SAVE Saving a new or edited entry.
CANCEL Cancelling changes.
Conventions Guidelines and conventions for naming entries.
User Types Publishing new user types.
Introduction Introductory comments on the publishing of user types.
Edit Editing an existing user type, including a renaming.
New Entry Starting a new entry and selecting the sociatal sectors.
SBAs Guidelines for selecting SBAs and fields for a user types.
Keywords Associating user types with keywords.
References Examples of how to add references to user types.
Comments Guidelines for commenting on user types.
Applications Publishing new applications.
Introduction Introductory comments on the publishing of applications.
Edit Editing an existing application, including a renaming.
New Entry Starting a new entry and selecting the sociatal sectors.
SBAs Guidelines for selecting SBAs and fields for a user types.
Keywords Associating applications with keywords.
References Examples of how to add references to applications.
Comments Guidelines for commenting on applications.
Requirements Publishing new requirements.
Introduction Introductory comments on the publishing of new requirements.
Edit Editing an existing requirement, including a renaming.
New Entry Starting a new entry.
Type Selecting the type of an requirement.
Attributes Specifying the attributes of a requirement.
References Examples of how to add references to requirements.
Comments Guidelines for commenting on requirements.
Research Needs Publishing new research needs.
Introduction Introductory comments on the publishing of research needs.
Edit Editing an existing research need, including a renaming.
New Entry Starting a new entry.
References Examples of how to add references to research needs.
Comments Guidelines for commenting on research needs.
Infrastructure Needs Publishing new user types.
Introduction Introductory comments on the publishing of infrastructure needs.
Edit Editing an existing infrastructure need, including a renaming.
New Entry Starting a new entry.
References Examples of how to add references to infrastructure needs.
Comments Guidelines for commenting on infrastructure needs.
Technology Needs Publishing new technology needs.
Introduction Introductory comments on the publishing of technology needs.
Edit Editing an existing technology need, including a renaming.
New Entry Starting a new entry.
References Examples of how to add references to technology needs.
Comments Guidelines for commenting on technology needs.
Capacity Building Needs Publishing new user types.
Introduction Introductory comments on the publishing of capacity building needs.
Edit Editing an existing capacity building need, including a renaming.
New Entry Starting a new entry.
References Examples of how to add references to capacity building needs.
Comments Guidelines for commenting on capacity building needs.
Links Publishing new links.
Introduction Introductory comments on the publishing of links.
Edit Editing an existing link, including a renaming.
New Entry Starting a new entry.
References Examples of how to add references to links.
Comments Guidelines for commenting on links.
References Publishing new references.
Introduction Introductory comments on the publishing of references.
New References Adding new references to the URR list of references.
Lexicon Terms Publishing new lexicon terms.
Introduction Introductory comments on the publishing of lexicon terms.
Edit Editing an existing lexicon term, including a renaming.
New Entry Publishing a new entry.
References Examples of how to add references to lexicon terms.
Comments Guidelines for commenting on lexicon terms.
Searches Using search in support of publishing new entries.
Introduction Introductory comments on the search function.
Keywords Handling of keywords in searches.
Composite Strings Handling of multi-word strings in searches.
Analyses Tutorials on analyzing the URR contents
Analyses Overview of the Analyses menu.
Introduction Overview of the Analyses menu.
Analysis Details Examples and details of analyses.
Examples Examples of analyses based on the currently available graphical interface.
Risk Management Analysis of risk-based management.
ICZM Analysis of integrated coastal zone management.
Preferences Tutorials on analyzing the URR contents
Login Tutorials on user registration and the functionally available only after login
Login Comments on the login function
Introduction Introduction to the login function
Login Example of a login dialog
Create Account Comments on creating a user account for the URR
Logout Comments on the logout function
Preparing Input Guidelines on how to prepare input for the URR and examples of user need analyses Early Warning
Preparing Input General comments on analysis approaches to user need analyses.
Methods Discussion of two principle methods: global approach and local approach
Questions A set of questions that could be used for interviews
ICZM ICZM: an example of a global analysis.
Starting Starting the analysis from the top and focusing on applications.
Adding details Adding details to a structure of applications.
URR Contents Discussion of the URR contents for ICZM.
Risk-Based Planning Risk-based planning: an example of a global analysis combined with a local approach for adding details.
Starting Starting the analysis from the top and focusing on applications.
Extending Extending the structure to more levels.
Adding Details Adding details to a structure of applications.
Hazard Assessment Focussing on the local enivronment of hazard assessment.
Vulnerability&Assets Focussing on the local enivronments of vulnerability assessments and asset mapping.
Early Warning Early warning: an example for the iterative process of a user need analysis.
Starting Starting the analysis from the top and focusing on applications.
Extending Extending local environments.
Adding Details Adding local details and dimensions.
Completing Completing the local environment.
Analysis Using the analysis tool to check the contents.