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Technology Needs: Introduction Edit New Entry References Comments | Next |
Introduction Technology needs describe research that should be carried in order to develop sensors or other infrastructure required to meet requirements or support applications. Most often, a technology need will be related to one or more requirements and applications in the sense that these requirements and applications depend on the results of the research to be carried out or to be improved. Naming technology needs requires careful considerations. On the one hand, a very general name (such as 'GNSS reflectometry') may leads to overlaps with technology needs for the similar problems. On the other hand, a very specific name (e.g., 'GNSS reflectometry for tsunami detection') may lead to duplications for the same quantity and nearly identical characteristics for other applications. The edit functions are described in detail in the Edit tutorials included in the General section for the Publish menue, specifically for the functions New, Edit/View all, Copy, Save, and Cancel. Although Save will carry out a check for uniqueness, it is recommended to check the URR for similar or identical technology need names before entering an anticipated new technology need name into a blank form. |