GEO Task ST-09-02: Promoting Awareness and Benefits of GEO
Extended Task Sheet: Status of Outputs
Outputs Produced:
A number of outputs are in preparation. See the Status Activities page for more details.
By Date
Activity 3.3 has implemented the GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology at, which currently features nine "compelling examples." Further examples are solicited. The Portfolio was introduced to the GEO community in an article in the GEO Newsletter of January 2011.
Q4 2010
Activity 5.1 has compiled a list of major scientific conferences as a basis for planning GEOSS presentations as well as GEOSS-related sessions and side events. See here. Information on relevant meetings to be included should be sent to
Activity 5.2 has resulted in a number of GEOSS-related sessions at major scientific conferences. An overview of the sessions is available here. Information on GEOSS-relevant sessions not included in the overview should be sent to
Activity 5.3 has resulted in a number of GEOSS-related side events at major scientific conferences. An overview of the side events is available here. Information on GEOSS-related side events not included in the overview should be sent to
Activity 2.1 has provided a Draft GEOSS Citation Standard to the STC. See here. The draft is available as doc and pdf.
Q1 2011
Activity 1 has been reviewed and redefined. The new scope and an initial list of major scientific enterprises is available as pdf.
Q2 2011
Activity 3.3 has drafted a Portfolio Process Paper for review by the ST-09-02 Task team. The draft is available as pdf.
Q2 2011
Activity 5.1 has drafted a concept paper for a more advanced GEOSS Meeting Portal. The draft is available as pdf.