Sub-Activity 2.1 (Roadmap Activity 2a; a GEOSS citation standard)
A Draft V1.0 was compiled in the frame of the EGIDA Project and was made available for discussion by the ST-09-02 Team in February 2011. The V1.0 draft is available as doc.
The Draft was discussed at the 3rd monthly ST-09-02 telecon (see the meeting page for more information on the telecon). All ST-09-02 members were asked to comment on the draft and to provide edits to Ian McCallum and Hans-Peter Plag.
Based on the comments received, a draft was prepared for further discussion by the STC. This draft is available as pdf. This draft was discussed during the STC meeting on April 14-15, 2011 in Sydney, Australia. After the meeting, an updated draft GEOSS Citation Standard was made available as pdf.
The ST-09-02 is asked to prepare a Version 2.0 which addresses most of the currently open issues. The ST-09-02 Task team will coordinate the development with all relevant activities within GEO and on international level and the work will be supported by the EGIDA project.
Previous Activities and relevant Information
The Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) has a Preservation and Stewardship Cluster, which is discussing Data Citation Rules. The objective of the cluster is to support the long-term preservation of Earth system science data and information. The Task plans to link to the ESIP Cluster and align the proposal for a GEOSS citation standard to what the Cluster develops.
Kathleen Fontaine forwarded and e-mail by Mark A. Parsons to the ESIP Preservation Cluster on Harmonizing data citation guidelines. This e-mail contains a review of data citation guidelines. The e-mail includes a list of web pages:
- IPY:
- ORNL:\_policy.html
- NSIDC: no link given
- Pangaea:
- GBIF: white-paper-citation-of-gbif-data/
- DataVerse:
There is an offer to the task team to get involved in the ESIP discussion, which needs to be followed up.
Relevant to the discussion of the GEO Ciotation Standard are the notes of the December 17, 2009 Townhall meeting of the ESIF Preservation and Stewardship Cluster at the AGU Fall meeting in San Francisco on Peer-Reviewed Data Publication and Other Strategies to Sustain Verifiable Science. These notes mention the International Polar Year (IPY) citation guidelines, "which are a synthesis of the different approaches agreed to by many international data centers. The IPY guidelines are analogous to the rules used in the publication process. The Citations should include (as appropriate):
- Authors (people directly responsible for acquiring the data)
- Dates (data publication date – not its collection)
- Title of the data set
- Editor (the person who compiled the data set from other materials or performed QA on the acquired data, etc.)
- Publisher (the organization, often a data center, that is responsible for archiving and distributing the material)
- Version
- Access date & URL
- Should include a DOI if one exists
and noting variations for time series data where data sets are dynamic and where perhaps only a subset of the data is used
- Algorithm developers are the authors
- Date – add to the date published an indicator of how often the dataset is updated (e.g., updated daily)
- Dates of data used" (quoted from the notes).