Extended Task Sheet:

Individual contributions:

GEO Task ST-09-02: Promoting Awareness and Benefits of GEO

Extended Task Sheet: Planned Outputs

Anticipated Outputs

DescriptionBy Date
High-level list of relevant major scientific enterprises; early 2010 (activity 1); On-going
List of target scientific enterprises for linkage/integration; mid 2010 (activity 1); On-going
Workshop reports; 2011-2012 (activity 1) On-going
Draft GEOSS citation and citation rules; end of 2009 (activity 2) On-going
The draft “GEO Label” concept; end of 2009 (activity 2) On-going
List of core scientific datasets not registered in GEOSS and potential sources; mid 2010 (activity 2) On-going
Proposal for a set of GEOSS promotion material targeted for relevant S&T communities; end of 2009 (activity 3) On-going
An on-line annotated GEOSS Slide Library; mid 2009 (activity 3) On-going
A list of “GEOSS at Work” examples that can be derived from GEO Tasks; May 2009 (activity 3) On-going
Promotion of the “Save Earth Game”; when? (activity 3) On-going
Established links between major S&T activities at universities and GEO tasks On-going
Increased awareness of university programs and about GEOSS, end 2009 (activity 4) On-going
Targeted promotion of transition from research to operational; early 2010 (activity 4) On-going
List of relevant major scientific conferences; May 2009 (activity 5) On-going
GEOSS-related Sessions at IGARSS, AGU, EGU, COSPAR, AOGS On-going
Draft high-level prospectus for major SBA-specific symposiums; late 2010 (activity 5) On-going

Last edited 02 December 2016

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