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2nd GEOSS Science and Technology Stakeholder Workshop
GEOSS: Supporting Science for the Millennium Development Goals and Beyond
Bonn, Germany, August 28—31, 2012


The Workshop took place at the University of Bonn in the 'Geozentrum' in Bonn, Germany. The University made available an excellent meeting facility.

Michael Nyenhuis, Stephanie Göbel, and Desiree Matheis were responsible for the local organization, including technical support for presenters and the video tapping. Stephanie Göbel and Desiree Matheis even engaged in serving the participants during the workshop dinner.

The Programme Committee, which was co-chaired by Michael Nyenhuis and Hans-Peter Plag, developed the overall concept of the workshop and the scope of the Plenary and Breakout sessions.

The conveners of the individual session were responsible for the session programmes, and the high level of the workshop programme is due to their effort in bringing in

The EC-funded project EGIDA provided funding to cover the catering.

The videos of presentations and discussions were edited and converted for web-posting by Terri Garside, Reno, NV, USA.

The workshop web page is maintained by Hans-Peter Plag, and any errors should be reported to him.

In case of problems, mail to Web Administrator.