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Using Search to view entries

Clicking on the Search button in the View menu brings up a screen, which currently allows a simple, string-based search for entries in the seven main relations as well as the Lexicon and Links relations.

Typing in the string 'coastal zone' and clicking on the search button brings up a list of all entries that have either the word coastal or the word zone, or both, in their name or description. If the term typed in is a keyword, then also all entries associated with the keyword will be shown.

The list shows name and description of each entry. The name of the entry is clickable and can be used to view the contents of an entry.

Enclosing the search string in quotation marks and narrowing the search down to only 'Technology Needs' and 'Capacity Building Needs' results in a much reduced list showing only entries that contain the exact search string (not case sensitive, though). In our example, there are only entries in the 'Capacity Building Needs' relation but no entries in the 'Technology Needs' relation matching the search string.

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