Outputs and Activities:
Data Sharing
Capacity Building
Science and Technology
User Engagement
Gap Analysis
GEO Task ID-03: Science and Technology in GEOSS
Extended Task Sheet: INFRASTRUCTURE Key Activities
Short Description (max 200 chars) | Start Date | End Date | Status | Related Task |
Activity 1.1: Engage science communities in the development of EO-based services that support sustainable development, including the Sustainable Development Goals.
| Q1 2009 | On-going | In Progress read more ... | |
Activity 1.2: Encourage the incorporation of new technology in observing systems.
| Q1 2012 | On-going | In Progress read more ... | |
Activity 1.3: Develop a framework for the transition of relevant research infrastructures to sustained operation.
| Q1 2012 | On-going | In Progress read more ... | |
Activity 2.1: Populate a GEOSS Science and Technology Portfolio with compelling examples demonstrating the added value of GEOSS for science and technology communities, with particular focus on examples that illustrate the link between GEOSS and information needs for sustainable development.
| Q1 2009 | Q4 2015 | In Progress read more ... | |
Activity 4.2: Continue the development of the GSTSS, including an extensive utility for feedback from S&T communities on GEOSS, EO-related services, and data sets.
| Q1 2011 | Q4 2015 | In Progress | |
Activity 5.1: Develop a concept of, and implement a knowledge base for the definition and documentation of socio-economic and environmental information needs (SEE IN Knowledge Base) accross all societal sectors and topics, including those represented by the nine SBAs and the theme Tasks, that also supports the development of blue-prints for processes related to knoweldge creation, including model webs.
| Q1 2014 | Q4 2015 | In Progress | |
Last edited 02 December 2016
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