NewsJanuary 21, 2013: The first “Weather” example has been added to the GEOSS S&T Portfolio: TIGGE - A Global Multi-Model Prediction System for High-Impact Weather. Read more .... April 25, 2012: Four examples of the GEOSS S&T Portfolio were presented at a Splinter Meeting at the EGU Meeting in Vienna, Austria. Read more ... January 26, 2012: The example of the “Global Mercury Observing System” has been integrated into the Portfolio. Read more ... December 18, 2011: The “Global Mercury Observing System” has been accepted as a new example in the Healths SBA. The full documentation will be added soon. October 26, 2011: New example in the Water SBA added: The new example “Prototype observation system for water resources in South-East Asia” ... See the example ... June 13, 2011: The “Prototype observation system for water resources in South-East Asia” has been accepted as new example for the Water SBA. The full documentation of this example will be added to the portfolio soon. April 1, 2011: New example in Agriculture SBA added to the portfolio: The new example illustrates the “geo-wiki.org - Crowdsourcing to improve Landcover Validation” activity. Read more ... January 21, 2011: The GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology was announced to the GEO community in the GEO Newsletter published on January 20, 2011. Read the article ... November 6, 2010: The GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology was featured at the booth of the Science and Technology Committee at the Exhibition at the GEO Plenary Meeting and Ministerial Summit in Beijing, China, November 3-5, 2010. See a picture. Download the complete portfolio handout distributed in Beijing as pdf. |
The GEOSS Portfolio for Science and TechnologyThe GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology features examples of GEO activities, projects, and Work Plan Tasks that demonstrate the benefits of GEOSS for science and technology (S&T) communities. GEOSS provides access to many services, data sets and products of value for scientists, researchers and developers. In many cases, new research is enabled and would not be possible without access to the Earth observation products accessible through the GEO portal. This portfolio shows how the products accessible through the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) works for S&T communities. GEOSS has a reciprocal relationship with the S&T communities. GEOSS needs input from them, and they can benefit from GEOSS. GEOSS depends on input from science and S&T in order to evolve in response to rapidly expanding user needs. GEOSS is a unique source of Earth observation data and related products essential for research in all nine of the Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs) of Earth observations. The technological challenges posed by the implementation of GEOSS stimulates technology development in many technology communities. The GEOSS Portfolio aims to demonstrate this bidirectional relationship between GEOSS and S&T communities. Representative examples for the portfolio have been identified in cooperation with GEO Tasks. Proposals for examples have been reviewed based on a pre-defined review form and a quantitative rating system. The examples selected for inclusion in the portfolio demonstrate a wide range of benefits of GEOSS for science and technology communities, including tools for discovery of data and products, improved accessibility, new data sets and services, and a better link to end users. Submissions of proposals for additional examples to complement those currently in the portfolio are being sought. The process of identifying, reviewing and documenting examples for the GEO Portfolio is comprehensively described in the Portfolio Process paper, which was prepared with support by the EGIDA Project. Proposals for new examples will be reviewed by the ID-03 Task team on a continuous basis. Proposals should be prepared using the template. Proposers should consider the review criteria used by the ID-03 team. Successful proposers will be invited to submit as a frist contribution a two-page story following the guidelines. |
The following examples are currently in the GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology:
A slideshow introducing the GEOSS Portfolio for Science and Technology is available for down-load as ppt or pdf. AcknowledgmentsThe initial development of the GEOSS Portfolio was supported by United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) through a contract to Science Consulting Group (SCGCorp) and a sub-contract to the University of Nevada, Reno. In the first half of 2011, the population of the Portfolio was supported by the EGIDA Project, which is funded by the European Commission. |
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