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Analysis example: Risk Management - How are seismic observations linked to other URR entries?

Here we provide two examples of analyses that are possible with the current version of the URR. In the first example, we want to find how a requirement for seismic observations is connected to other entries. The entry for this requirement is shown on the left. At the bottom, we see a link to relationships.

After a click on the 'Relationship' button, a graphical interface opens that displays all current linkages of the Seismicity requirement up to a link level of two (see the Glossary for an explanation of the term "link level"). At the bottom of the diagram, the meaning of the symbol colors is explained.

Currently, the seismicity requirement is linked to two applications, i.e., 'hazard analysis, determination of pdf' and 'hazard detection', which in turn are linked to many other requirements, applications, etc.

We now want to explore in more detail the application 'hazard analysis, determination of pdf' and move the cursor over the respective symbol until the hyperlink symbol appears.

We see that this applications depends on many requirements and feeds into the application 'hazard assessment'. Note that currently the directionality of the links is not displayed. Now we move to 'hazard assessment'.

The application 'hazard assessment' is linked to 'risk assessment'. We want to further explore this value chain from the observational requirement for seismicity down to the ultimate end application.

The application 'risk assessment' depends also on 'asset mapping' and 'vulnerability assessment', and it feeds into 'risk-based planning'. Output of 'risk assessment' are risk maps that are an requirement for 'risk-based planning'. Moving to 'risk-based planning' ...

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