GEO Disaster Tasks:



STC Review of the Disaster SBA

Responses related to ST-09-02b

Task DI-09-02: Multi-Risk Management and Regional Applications
Sub-Task: DI-09-02b: Regional End-to-End Disaster Management Applications
Point of Contact: Guy Seguin

  1. What S&T issues are relevant for the Task?

    • Application of S&T in an end-to-end context
    • Transition from research to operations
    • Terrestrial applications of space-borne technologies
    • Remote sensing and geomatics
    • End user driven applications of S&T
  2. What S&T activities are currently carried out in the frame of the Task, and what scientific and/or technological components and/or developments are being used to complete this task?

    The task includes both the Caribbean Satellite Disaster Pilot and the African Flood and Health Pilot. Each of these two pilots has activities based on the NASA SensorWeb technology, which aims to integrate data from optical and radar satellites with hydrological models and DEMS in order to provide near-real time flood prediction and warning services. In addition, one of the Caribbean Projects aims to use interferometric radar measurements to identify long-term damage to critical infrastructure.

    All of the work under this task relies on the use of EO satellites as applied to different geographic areas, and different phases of the disaster cycle in a multi-hazard approach.

  3. Does the Task Team have sufficient expertise to complete the task? If not, what is missing?

    Yes. The Task Team draws on the expertise of a wide range of partners including several space agencies, value-added companies and local partners with significant S&T expertise (e.g. CIMH, University of West Indies, CATHALAC).

  4. Does the Task Team have sufficient resources to complete this task (resources can be defined as funding, data, in-kind support, or any other element)?

    The Task Team is still completing its partnership arrangements but expects to be able to identify the necessary resources over the course of the coming months.

  5. What relevant S&T issues should be addressed but are currently not covered by the Task? In particular, do you see any scientific or technological barriers or science and technology gaps that might prevent you from completing this task within the Work Plan time frame?

    No identified barriers or S&T gaps

  6. Are there any issues with sustained operation/continuity (e.g., of sensors, observation, data archives, modeling, etc) that should be addressed in the frame of your tasks or in support of your task? Is there any help from ST-09-02 your Task would like to facilitate in order to promote a transition from research to more sustained operation?

    The task is designed to serve as a pilot or testbed for the application of technological solutions to disaster management issues. The task team is working with local users at the national and regional level and with international donor agencies to ensure that when the pilots are successful, there is a clear vision for long-term sustainability. No help from ST-09-02 is sought.

  7. How would you prioritize the science or technology issues relevant for your task?

    The main issue is ensuring that technology is “packaged” in a user friendly fashion and made available without undue restrictions at a reasonable cost. The pilots will demonstrate where this is feasible and where the technology is not mature to produce useful applications.

  8. What linkages exist between your Task and other Disaster Tasks?

    All satellite input to disaster tasks is coordinated under the aegis of the CEOS Disaster SBA Team. This team identifies potential synergy between tasks and when appropriate suggests moving specific activities between tasks. Lessons learned from DIO-09-02B will be reported to the CEOS Disaster SBA Team and may be used to broaden successful applications of the multi-hazard end-to-end approach.

  9. What cross-cutting issues are most relevant for the Task and how are these addressed?

    It is not clear what you refer to by “cross-cutting” issues. A number of the pilots deal with a broad range of issues that are relevant to end users and integrated in their systems. For example, a flooding pilot deals necessarily with water management, and weather, and disasters, etc. It is the responsibility of the specific pilot leaders to address cross-cutting issues as they arise.

  10. Does your Task draw on other activities inside or outside GEOSS?

    Some of the Task partners are not GEOSS members. Many of the related projects under a given pilot are actually sponsored by development agencies. GEO serves as an umbrella to bring together a wide range of partners. CEOS serves as a mechanism to coordinate satellite input.

  11. What additional resources could be leveraged (existing and new) to complete this task?

    The task has already considered all available resources and has leveraged these to develop its workplan.

  12. Could your Task be used as a “compelling example” of how GEO and GEOSS works for science and technology communities? If so, who would be the contact person between Task ST-09-02 and your Task to develop the documentation of the example?

    The focus of the task is not science and technology, although satellite technology and its applications are at the heart of the solution provided by the task. The task will not have concrete results to report before March 2011. At that time, if desired, the task could be an example for the S&T community and a PoC could be identified at that time.

  13. What other circumstances are relevant for the completion of the Task?

    None identified

Last edited 02 December 2016