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1stJoint Workshop of the EGIDA Stakeholder Network and Advisory Board
Connecting GEOSS and its Stakeholders in Science and Technology
Bonn, Germany, May 9-11, 2011

Workshop Scope and Objectives

The objective of the workshop is to network representatives of the broad group of stakeholders in Science and Technology (S&T) of GEOSS and to activate contributions from this network to the implementation of the Road Map of the GEO Science and Technology Committee (STC). In order to achieve this goal, the workshop will

  • inform participating GEOSS S&T stakeholders as well as members of the EGIDA Advisory Board about EGIDA, its first first actions and the medium-term approach;
  • solicit feedback and contributions from the stakeholders;
  • receive directions from the Advisory Board;
  • elaborate S&T user requirements and attempt a gap analysis.

In a second part, the workshop will also address specific Tasks of the EGIDA project and activities of the STC Road Map with the goal to further elaborate proposals for contributions by the stakeholders during the first part outlined above.

A particular focus of the workshop will be on the dialog between GEO and funding agencies for the research and development needed to fully develop GEOSS and to exploit the benefits of GEOSS for S&T. The goal is to develop a process for the communication of S&T needs identified by GEO Committees and GEO Work Plan Tasks to funding agencies and the matching of research teams and available funding programs.

The workshop is jointly organized by EGIDA and GEO. EGIDA is a project funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). EGIDA is working with the Science and Technology Committee (STC) of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) with the goal to implement the GEO Science and Technology Road Map.


The workshop is open for all EGIDA project members, members of the EGIDA Advisory Board, members of the EGIDA Stakeholder network, the STC members, and, in general, stakeholders in S&T of GEOSS. All members of the EGIDA Advisory Board and Stakeholder Network are in particular invited to participate.

Due to available room capacity, participation is limited to 80 persons. The organizers therefore reserve the right to close registration when this number is reached.

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